There are 2 types of headaches
The first is the instance where headache itself is a disease such as migraine, tension headache, etc. Causes are not known.
The second is the instance where headache comes due to other illnesses.
Reasons for headache
- Trauma due to injury in head or neck
- Blood veins in head & neck regions getting affected
- Other factors or diseases which affect the head
- Consuming drugs or suddenly stopping it
- Headache from infections
- Headache due to problems in blood circulation
- Pains in the cranium, neck, eyes, ears, teeth, or mouth
- Mental tension
- Blood pressure
Identifying the type of headache is the proper start to have the correct treatment. So, diagnosis of the headache is important.
With the acronym SSNOOPP, we can list the reasons:
Systemic symptoms - fever, weight loss, blood pressure, etc
Secondary risk factors - other general diseases HIV, Cancer, Auto-immune (a kind of allergy), etc
Neurological symptoms or abnormal signs - Problems in the nervous system confused mental state, fainting, paralysis, double vision, etc
Onset - sudden attack of headache
Older age of onset - the first headache experience after 50 years of age
Pattern change - experiencing different types of headache
Previous headache history - previous history of headache the intensity, frequency & properties of headache
Medical tests - CT scan, MRI scan, general blood test, Topler scan, CSF, Heart & lung related scans, liver, and tests for other infectious diseases help decide the treatment process.
Right information
Telling the right symptoms such as one-sided headache, nausea, vomiting, breathlessness, watering from the eyes, sweating, hereditary headache record, help detect migraine.
Excessive sleep, sleeplessness, excess coffee or alcoholic drinks, certain fats in food items, long exposure to computer monitor, and glaring lights create migraine.
Feeling that the head is tightly tied on the head, lessening of f pain after some rest, and tension in the family & office, indicate the reason for headache.
Headache should not be neglected. Immediate medical attention is a MUST. Proper medicines must be taken after medical consultation to prevent migraine.
Changes in lifestyle, proper rest, daily physical exercise, balanced diet at proper timings, breathing exercises, and avoiding tobacco & alcohol will help prevent migraine and tension.
Stress, continuous state of anxiety, familial circumstances, loss of peace, etc can cause headache and depression!