Kumari Palany & Co

3 Poisonous Constituents in Our Daily Diet!

Posted on: 09/Jul/2014 12:04:25 PM
Several ways are accountable for a person to befall ill. Today, people are suffering from hell a lot of ailments such as hypertension, depression, high or low blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, swine flu and so on.

Owing to the occurrences of these health illnesses, people tend to spend their lot of money on distinct medication treatments. However for these ailments, never blame anyone else than yourself. You ought to seize diverse armors to alter your daily dietary practices.

It is vital to spend significant time to organize our diet. Always keep in mind that, all the factory made foods will not render nutrition and nourishment. Naturopaths placed across the parts of the world are of the aspect that you will not get nourishment from processed and packaged food stuffs or flat food.

Nowadays, we encourage our children to depend on junk food such as French fries, pizzas, patties, burgers, cakes and pastries. In an attempt to keep our health fit, we have to shun specific trimmings in our diet, be keen while using refined sugar, refined salt and refined oil.

Refined Sugar: Majority of the people have sweet tooth and they cannot resist tempting sweet intake subsequent to their meal. But they may not aware that they are moving forward towards serious illness. Bear in mind that the refined sugar has no nutritional significance. Do you aware, the refined sugar ruins polished with phosphate of lime to offer it a shinning white color?

We tend to eat a lot of biscuits, cakes, chocolates and thereby providing a way for the sugar to enter into the body. Our body seeks the help of Vitamin B to digest these refined sugars. On the lack of vitamin B, we come across problems like constipation and irritation. Thus our body wants just a plain form of sugar, for instance glucose which imparts energy. In the worst case, surplus sugar damages each and every organ of the body like heart diseases, oral and vaginal illness and chronic diseases.

Substitute to refined sugar – Doctors mention the refined sugar as ‘slow poison’. Hence, in its place we can employ lots of dry fruits, grapes, dates, raisins and so on. In most of the sweet food items, substitute sugar with dry fruits, fresh fruits and honey.

Refined Salt: People might not aware that refine salt has the capability to make the body tissues heftier thus cause obesity. During the intake of salty diet, our body entails too much of water to dilute the spoiled bone.

Substitute to refined salt - it is always better to use sea salt, black salt or rock salt in minimal quantities in place of refined salt.

Refined Oil: Stay away from deep fried food items, such as junk food that contains surplus refined oil. Refinened oil or Butter can lead high blood pressure, obesity, kidney problems and cancer.

Substitute to refined oil – we can use cold press oil, filter oil, olive oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil or groundnut oil. Olive oil is always best as it contains large amount of mono saturated fat in contrast with other vegetable oil.