Kumari Palany & Co

Stay Away From Blackheads!

Posted on: 10/Jul/2014 4:45:36 PM

Even though we care our skin with extreme regularity and keenness, one highlighting thing which keeps us upset is that the bunch of minute black dots all around the lower region of the nose and on lower forehead.

Especially, these black dots will be more visible on the fair and wheatish complexion and thus we will seek ways to get rid of these black dots everlastingly.

These black dots are generally termed as ‘blackheads’ or ‘Comedones’. It is not doable for permanent removal of these dots, but however it can be treated and we can bring back the blackhead free skin with consistent care.

What are these Black Dots? To start with, let’s go in detail about what exactly these blackheads are and why these dots turn ruining our looks. Blackheads are not actually pores with intent dirt, rather they are pores of the skin that are impeded by oil residues and deadly skin cells and when these dead skin gets bared to air, the spot changes to black. These blackheads can appear on the chest, back, and several other parts of the body, but they are more visible on the face.

Since we can neither preclude the sebaceous organs from oil secretion nor we cannot stop the pollution all around us, there can be no everlasting solution to get rid of blackheads from our lives. The paramount we can do is to lessen the occurrence with which they bang us and act towards them to hold them from appearing on our skin.

Skin Types: Only few people would have no blackheads at all, while majority of us have flocks of them converged on some parts of our bodies, a lot it is the face. The difference stays with the skin types. Blackheads are high up on oily skin and for those who have T like arranged skin. Conversely, those with dry skin too endure from blackheads, as their dead skin cells mount up faster.

Personal Hygiene:  If you are a lazy person, not even cleaning the face twice a day, then you are the one who suffers a lot. Those bolshie black pranksters like dead skin cells, areas of the skin which are bared to dirt, dust and pollution. Hence, keep in mind to wash your face either using natural face wash or any soft soap no less than twice a day.

Don’t handle harsh: So as to avoid blackheads, you would prefer hounding them, bubut bear in mind: Don’t either press or pinch blackheads with your mails; do not tweeze it with the aid of plucker, because of these actions can ground swell up in the pompous area, redness, pain and cause severe skin infections.

Nowadays laser treatments are available in the skin clinic market that swears closing in the follicules thereby the blackheads may not ever humiliate. But these treatments may not constantly be perfect. Moreover being costly, these are not natural methods which may even set health issues in later stages of life. Thus the best choice is to abide by natural means for more successful results.