Kumari Palany & Co

Snoring – is it troubling you so much?

Posted on: 03/Oct/2014 3:22:30 PM
Air we inhale passes through our nose, mouth, throat, wind pipe and reaches the lung at last. When there is a stoppage or hurdle in this course of travel, it gives rise to snore. But, why does it happen only when we’re asleep and not during the day time?

·         While being asleep, the tissues in throat get relaxed and the way for wind to pass through gets shrunk. When air passes through this narrow way, it is natural for a person to snore. This is the same as the functioning of a flute.

·         While lying flat, as the tongue gets relaxed, it gets dragged within the throat thus standing as a hurdle in the path, releasing a snore

Reason behind snoring:

Here are the quick reasons behind snoring:

·         Nose block

·         Sinusitis

·         Tonsillitis

·         Overweight

·         Excessive fat around neck

Smoking, liquor, over dose of sleeping pills, etc are other additional reasons.

Is it risky to snore?

Snoring – this cannot be ignored as an issue of minimal importance. This has its own risk factors associated with it. Notice your snore and examine if it has a regular noise pattern or gets paused every now and then. In case of obstructions in between your snore, it is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

In these cases, the wind pipe gets blocked and possibilities are that oxygen supply to the brain gets disrupted and may even get stopped at one point of time.

At these times, our brain triggers its brainy actions and gives rise to bodily jerk. During such moments, the individual stops snoring for a while and alters the position.

People facing this trouble are prone to get disturbed sleep. They will face severe headache and remain fatigue throughout the day time, and they will not have good memory power or concentration on things.

As a chain reaction, problems due to snoring have its effect in elevating Blood Pressure, problems with lungs, brain, etc.

Preventiveve measures:

·         Have the position of your head raised while sleeping

·         Avoid lying flat during sleep

·         Keep your body fit

·         Get proper medications for thyroid

·         Stop smoking

·         Stop drinking liquor

·         Avoid consumption of sleeping pills

Follow these preventive measures, remain healthy and live long