Kumari Palany & Co

Tips to heal yourself to Joy and accomplish a way out of Negative Emotions!

Posted on: 29/Dec/2014 6:18:07 PM

Breathe, Listen, Think

Breathe: Life is much tougher in our minds than in reality. This is the strength of perspective. If you halt the natural urge to blindly act, you will trace a way to a more sensible action.

Appears simple enough, but with chaos and tough propositions before you it can be awfully hard to take a step back. It is our ilk as human beings to desire to pick up the easier `get busy` route. When you see a wall approaching you and there is no way to come out of it; never panic and act counter to instinct. You will never know how counterproductive it will be. After then take a step back, mute everything, and you will feel the background notions racing at 100 km/hour. Acquire a full Breathe! Physically in and out. Now focus on the issue, trace out the initial little step to take regarding the solution. Subsequently then the next step and the step after that.  Just keep following the lane till the situation untangles and you come out of it. In majority of the cases, the harshness of the upshots is much less than what we concoct.

Music and Activity: When you are in the extreme upset situation, just listen to rock music as it has the potent to drown out the accents in your head. Sometimes even fine food does the magic; or take a long walk with rapid music can calm the situation.

Isolation and Snooze: What serves you comfy in a tough time is granting yourself `me-time`. Just switch off from the whole world and give yourself all the importance. Your all time key for any problem is to get quite a lot of sleep.

Smile of Young ones: Whether you own a good or bad day, it doesn`t matter! On receiving a blissful smile and hug from your young ones, once you enter your home; that is your happy place. When kids greets you, it make you forget everything in the world. It`s heaven. It’s your moment of relief. You may even feel uplifted.

No absolute single solution: Distinct things toil good for people at different times. Assisting others in need, serving helping hand for those who are in pain and even desolating aids you divert attention from your personal troubles. Apart from your profession, concentrate more and do things that you long wanted for. For instance focus on ice skating, adventurous activities, going for long drive or to the spa or sauna brings back the delight and o optimism.

Every now and then listening to music, viewing spiritual videos and devoting time with family turns like a balm. And cooking new dishes is really therapeutic. All these acts brings good will. The real fact is that the potent to face every circumstances lies within us. Nothing and nobody can aid us except ourselves; only when we are eager to accept the situation, can our friends` and family’s` terms of prudence assist us glide through tough situations. Hence, we have to admit, excuse, heal, bolster ourselves and move on.