Kumari Palany & Co

Who can donate blood?

Posted on: 26/Jan/2015 5:34:58 PM
The blood donor’s blood pressure should be normal. Persons between the ages of 18 & 60 can donate blood.

The donors’ weight should be above 45 kg.

A normal human body contains 5 litres of blood.

Only 350 ml of blood is taken during donation.

This quantity of donated blood will be replenished by the body system within 24 hours.

Blood can be donated once in 3 months.

20 minutes are sufficient for donating blood.

The donor can start doing the normal activities after donation.

Diabetics, persons who had vaccination for different diseases, drug/narcotic users, and persons who have taken hormone injections are not eligible to donate blood.

People who have suffered from dengue, malaria, etc can donate blood only 2 months after full recovery. One cannot donate blood after consuming alcoholic drinks.

Women who are having their menstrual cycle or pregnant or suckling their infants should not donate blood.

People affected with HIV must not donate blood.

People who underwent surgery can donate blood only after 6 months after surgery.

Blood donation can prevent heart attacks. Fresh corpuscles will be formed.

Around 500 Calories of energy will be spent on blood donation.