Kumari Palany & Co

White rice tends to increase the sugar level in blood!

Posted on: 10/Mar/2015 5:43:10 PM
It is advisable to take rice in only one session per day.

When excess quantity of rice is consumed, the sugar level in blood tends to rise. Consuming excess quantity of white rice daily may lead to the prospects of being affected with Type-2 Diabetes.

So, if you prefer taking rice, it is advisable to use hand-pounded rice. As compared to hand-pounded rice, the nutrients in white rice are very little. Actually, as there are very less nutrients, white rice does not have any nutrition benefits.

If you have a programme for losing weight, better avoid white rice for a month. This is because white rice contains excessive carbohydrate, which leads to excess weight.

As compared to hand-pounded rice, avoiding white rice will prevent developing paunch. As white rice has excess starch & carbohydrate they create the feeling of hunger quite frequently.