Kumari Palany & Co

Amaranth (‘mulaikkerai’ in Tamil) gives coolness to the body in summer!

Posted on: 27/Apr/2015 4:38:45 PM
Amaranth, known as ‘mulaikkerai’ in Tamil, is easily available in the market. It comes in red & green colours. Both are good for health. This has the property to cool down the body heat. It is also rich in nutrients.

Amaranth also contains Calcium, protein, Vitamin ‘C’, ‘B’, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Oxalic acid, and other mineral salts.


·         It gives coolness to the eyes and brightens the eyesight.

·         It is also an excellent cure for night-blindness.

·         It acts as a shield for the skin.

·         People who have excessive body heat or excessive bile generation can take this as a remedy.

·         Some people suffer from stomatitis (mouth ulcer). Take 5 amaranth leaves, add to 100 ml water and bring to a boil. Switch off when it reduces to 50%. Use this water for gargling. Stomatitis will be cured.

Important point to note: As it provides coolness to the body, it is highly advisable for ‘Asthma’ patients to avoid it!