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Here is a method to get sound sleep within 60 seconds!

Posted on: 05/May/2015 3:10:16 PM
Most of us do not get sleep promptly after going to bed due to various problems like work-related tension, family issues, and debt problems!

After tuning & tossing on the bed without sleep for long hours, some of them get up in the morning & proceed to their morning routine as usual. Such a habit has the risk for them to suffer from a variety of harms including memory loss.

Here is a cure for such people invented by Dr. Andrew Weil, an expert anatomist, from Harvard University.

He has named this technique – ‘4-7-8’.

Andrew Weil recommends that those who follow this technique will get sound sleep and get up the next morning completely refreshed!

1st step: Close eyes; inhale a deep breath for 4 seconds.

2nd step: Keep this inhaled for 7 seconds under the nostrils & remain quiet.

3rd step: After those 7 seconds, release the inhaled air uniformly at the same speed for 8 seconds.

The duration of 3 steps being 4, 7 &8, it led to the name ‘4-7-8’!

Repeat this process for 2 more times – doing it 3 times takes 57 seconds.. It is certain that you will get sound sleep within the next 3 minutes!

How is this possible?!

The second step of retaining the inhaled air for 7 minutes plays the major role! This enables the lungs to fill with oxygen. This tends to relax the body and eases it.

Also, as you focus on the time element of how long to do the steps, other thoughts which disturb your mind with tension & irritation get away from your mind!

Following this procedure and driving out all worrying thoughts from the mind will make peaceful sleep embrace you within a few seconds, according to Dr. Andrew Weil!

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