Kumari Palany & Co

Childlessness: Aspects to be taken care of by males!

Posted on: 16/May/2015 2:31:12 PM
Today’s lifestyle has set up the trend for both males & females to marry rather late.

Hence, it is advisable for the couples planning to marry to have a medical test before their marriage.

Males will have to test the quality & count of their sperms.

This test can be carried out in the ordinary test-labs where blood-tests are done.

Today, wearing jeans is a most popular trend!

To say the least, the jeans pants must be at least a bit loose and not very tight-fitting!

If the person is employed in a job demanding long sitting sessions, the pressure created by this tight dress will be supplemental to the long-time sitting!

It is best advisable to reduce the hours of wearing jeans and wear slightly loose-fitting dresses.

Some people tend to wear very tight-fitting dresses even while going to sleep!

This may prevent the testes (sperm container) from getting sufficient blood circulation & oxygen.

Though the physical harms created by laptops, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets have not been established, it is advisable to handle & use them properly.

Especially, the habit of really keeping the laptops on the laps while working or keeping the mobile phones in the pant pockets can be strictly avoided!

If any of the siblings is childless, this can be taken as a precaution recommending medical tests to be taken.

Some persons may not have testes at all! They have to get immediate special medical treatment.

Males who have frequent spelling in their private parts and males who suffer from frequent infections are best advised to take immediate medical treatment!

Smoking & consumption of alcoholic drinks are major reasons for impotency!

Hence, it is better to note that males who long to become ‘dads’ have no other options other than giving up these harmful habits!