Kumari Palany & Co

Medicinal benefits of potato!

Posted on: 17/May/2015 11:08:39 AM
Potato is an excellent food item rich in nutrients.

The leaves of potato can cure hysteria.It softens faeces. It is also helpful in copious production of urine.

Taking potatoes regularly as diet ensures good physical health of the body!

Potato also helps in reducing weight.

It is also is a good supplementary remedy for diabetes.

Potato cures stomach-related problems including sore stomach.It also cures constipation.

Applying cut potato externally on the areas of burns, cysts, long-staying sores in the ankles, and cracks in the skin of foot.

Potato contains a large quantity of starch which soothes the intestine and with its fibre content, it removes constipation. It solidifies the faeces.

As it eases the release of faeces, potato can prevent the possibility of intestinal cancer.

Potato also helps prevent accumulation of harmful fats known as ‘triglycerides’ which can harm the blood veins.