Kumari Palany & Co

Custard apple strengthens the heart!

Posted on: 24/Jun/2015 6:16:20 PM
All parts of the custard apple plat – the skin of the fruit, seeds, leafs, wood-strip – all have medicinal properties.Custard fruit contains water nutrient in large amounts.Further, it contains carbohydrate, protein, fat, minerals, fibre, Calcium, Phosphrous, and iron.

Because of the richness in the above essential nutrients, it has many medicinal properties.Eating custard apple helps digestion. It prevents constipation.Take the pulp of custard apple; mix it with salt and make a paste. Apply this on the pusses/polyps remaining uncured for a long time. The polyps/boils  will break open leading to complete cure.

Grind the leaves of custard apple and apply this paste on burns/wounds. They will be cured.Grind the seeds to powder. Mix it with an equal quantity of green-gram flour. Apply on the head/scalp and then take bath. The hair will soften. Dandruff will be cured.

Custard apple can cure chillness & also control fever.Mix basin with equal quantity of ground custard apple seed powder. Mix it with lime juice and make a paste. Apply this on the head, leave it for some time & then take bath. Hair fall will stop & get cured.

Even using custard seed powder alone and applying on the head & taking bath after some time will prevent hair fall.Giving custard apple to children will strengthen their bones and teeth.

Soak some small quantity of fenugreek seeds & small green-gram. Grind it next morning and mix with ground custard apple seed powder. Apply it on the head and leave for some time & then take bath. It will cool the head & the body and also prevent hair fall. Dandruff problems will get cured.Regular consumption of custard apple strengthens the heart. It can also control tuberculosis.