Researchers at the University of Bari in Italy have studied and proved a connection between coffee consumption and diseases such as dementia and Alzheimers disease.
The study was conducted on 1445 people, aged between 64 and 85 years. It showed that those who modified their habits by increasing with time their amount of coffee consumption of more than 1 cup a day, had about two times higher rate of MCI (mild cognitive impairment). Whereas those with reduced habits of less than 1 cup a day had about one and half time higher rate of MCI. On the other hand, those with constant habits of 1 cup a day had a reduced rate of the incidence of MCI.
Said researchers, "These findings suggested that cognitively normal older individuals who never or rarely consumed coffee and those who increased their coffee consumption habits had a higher risk of developing MCI... Moderate and regular coffee consumption may have neuroprotective effects against MCI, confirming previous studies on the long-term protective effects of coffee, tea, or caffeine consumption and plasma levels of caffeine against cognitive decline and dementia."