Like all other things, excessive intake of beer has negative effects on your health. Here are a few health effects.
Consumption of more than 4 standard drinks of beer a day may lead to liver inflammation. Four standard drinks amount to 350 ml or 12 ounces. If you are a heavy drinker for a long time, you risk getting a fatty liver, also called steatosis. You may also get alcoholic hepatitis. Both these conditions will eventually result in cirrhosis. Drinking heavily damages memory - both short term and long term. You are likely to suffer depression and insomnia. In addition, there is an increase in the risk of strokes.
Heavy drinking may also result in many forms of cancer. The most common are liver and colorectal cancers. Alcohol is a major carcinogen - chemical that is known to cause cancer. Other diseases related to alcohol are skin disorders including hives, psoriasis and rosacea, gout, leading to arthritis, stomach inflammation, osteoporosis and diabetes and pancreatitis.
By this, do not rest assured that you are in the green if you are a light drinker. Small amounts of beer slow down the signal processing from the nervous system. A few drinks will impair your short term visual memory, learning capabilities and depth perception. In some cases, it may also decrease verbal ability.
Drinking at a young age has negative effects on brain growth. Adolescents should avoid beer, as it will upset their hormonal balance. It reduces healthy development of organs, including their reproductive system.