A new study that was led by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences has claimed that people who eat spicy food on a regular basis live longer. The study was conducted by the Chinese Academy but had an international team.
It has been known earlier that the ingredient capsaicin, which is found in spices, has may benefits that include anti obesity, anti oxidant, anti inflammation and anti cancer. The study compared the association of consuming spicy foods daily and the causes of death.
487375 participants around the world were studied over a period of 7.2 years. Participants were aged between 30 and 70 years at the beginning of the study. Initially, they filled a form that gave details about their general health, physical measurements, and consumption of spicy foods, and red meat, vegetable and alcohol. Those who had a history of cancer, heart disease, and stroke were excluded from the study. The study made note of factors such as age, marital status, level of education, and physical activity.
Those who ate spicy food included fresh and dried chillies commonly.
At the follow up after 7.2 years, 20224 people had died. When cause of death and diet pattern were compared, it was found that those who ate spicy food every day had a 14 per cent lesser chance of dying compared to those who ate spicy food less than once a week. This was even stronger if the participant did not consume alcohol. Those who ate spicy food also had lesser risk of getting cancer, an ischaemic heart and respiratory system diseases.