Kumari Palany & Co

Artificial cool-drinks are the cause for paunches

Posted on: 07/Aug/2015 5:27:59 PM
Artificially made cool-drinks are one of the main causes for developing a paunch.This is because, the alcohol content in these cool-drinks contain excess calories.

Excess quantity of sugar is used in making juices and sodas. This increases the calories in the human body leading to the development of a paunch.

Hence, medical experts observe that it is highly advisable for persons interested in a flat-leaf belly to avoid snack items and cool drinks and follow this regimen strictly. There will be a noticeable pleasant change within 2 weeks.

Further, other ingredients added in cool drinks are also harmful to health. However, today`s youth like these very much – they don`t seem to bother about the harm for health.

Drink excess quantity of water. This can meet the water requirement of the body system and also quell hunger to a certain extent. Water is of great help in digesting the food. This also removes the unwanted waste in the system. As all unwanted items get removed, there is hardly any chance to develop a paunch.