Kumari Palany & Co

New type of lens to reduce need for spectacles

Posted on: 07/Aug/2015 5:31:53 PM
When thought of cataract surgery, one would get images of elders and grandparents who find it difficult to read through small text, troubles with bright light during night times, wearing spectacles, and so on. This is one of the common surgeries in India. Cataract is also a major cause for blindness, according to the National Program for Control of Blindness (NPCB).

During a cataract surgery, the clouded natural lens present in the eye is replaced by an intraocular lens (IOL). IOL can be of help in correcting presbyopia which is the inability to focus objects so close to eye. Patients suffering with presbyopia will have clear vision of objects that are placed far from their eye.

Nearly one third of the total cataract surgeries performed across the world occurs in India. This has indeed increased the need for newer technologies to offer better functional vision and ways to get rid of spectacles.

Such a revolutionary technology called TECNIS Symfony Extended Range of Vision IOL was launched by Abbott. With this, patients with cataract can be provided with continuous range of high quality functional vision for distant objects and near ones that reduces the incidence of glare and halo as compared to that of monofocal lens.

Halos are nothing but the bright light that is seen surrounding the source of light such as the beam of a car`s headlight. Glare is the light that refrains a person from viewing other objects clearly by interfering vision. Glare is an extra brightness that results in squinting and tears in eyes.

The TECNIS Symphony IOL is the very first type of lens that is designed to bring down the need for spectacles. It provides better benefits that conventionally used IOL technologies.