Here is happy news for all chocolate lovers. According to a new study, cocoa flavanols are said to lower blood pressure and improve the functioning of blood vessels in healthy individuals.
The study was conducted by EU-funded FLAVIOLA research consortium. It demonstrates how the cardiovascular function gets improved with the consumption of cocoa flavanols. By doing so, it lessens the burden experienced by the heart as it ages.
Cocoa flavanols also brings down the risk of CVD (cardiovascular disease).
The entire world population is turning older and there is raising incidence of cardiovascular disease, stroke, heart disease, etc. Hence, the positive impact of the right diet on cardiovascular diseases needs to be clearly understood.
What are cocoa flavanols?
These are bioactives that are derived from cacao bean. Consuming flavanols is evident to produce benefit on the cardiovascular health, but its compounds are commonly destroyed during the course of food processing.
This is also said to improve the flexibility of blood vessels and lower blood pressure. The study results were published in journals Age and the British Journal of Nutrition (BJN).