Kumari Palany & Co

How to prevent being affected by diabetes?

Posted on: 29/Oct/2015 5:49:26 PM
Though diabetes is established to be hereditary disease, it can be prevented by following certain suggestions.

·         Start using jaggery or jaggery/sugar made from palm-trees

·         Reduce the quantity of rice intake and substitute this with vegetables and fruits.

·         Soak fenugreek seeds in small quantity of water and take a spoon of it early next morning on empty stomach.

·         Include bitter-gourd in your menu thrice a week.

·         During the season for  black berry or jamun fruit (known as naaval pazham in Tamil), take 4  to 5 pieces regularly chewing the seeds as well.

·         Among the root vegetables, avoid everything except radish.

 ·         Include sumptuous quantity of young and fresh cucumber and ivy gourd (known as kovaikkai in Tamil)

·         Get into the habit of doing regular physical exercise (till you start sweating!). Those who cannot undertake physical exercise must at east do walking exercise.

·         Avoid fatty food items!

·         Totally avoid all food items sold in packets! Adopt the policy of not eating for the sake of taste but for the sake of good health!

If you start following the above suggestions from a young age, it is certain, you will not get diabetes. Please note that diabetes attacks are not simply due to eating excessive sugar. It is caused when pancreas gets affected. It is true that diabetics have to avoid eating sweets. At the same time, even people without diabetes can also resort to eating only limited quantity of sweets.

By taking certain precautionary measure as above, diabetes will never attack!