Kumari Palany & Co

India in 103rd place in the list of Worlds Healthiest Countries

Posted on: 04/Nov/2015 12:46:12 PM
Singapore has secured the 1st place in the list of world`s healthiest countries. India secured 103rd place.
The list of world`s healthiest countries was prepared by UN Council, WHO, and World Ban. The list was made on the basis of a survey conducted involving around 10 Lakh persons. Singapore got the 1st place.
The list was prepared by considering various factors like birth-death ratio, reasons for deaths, percentage of youngsters with smoking habit, and patients affected with diseases due to high fat.

The list, prepared with the main base as the living style of people, Singapore scored 89.45% and secured the 1st place.Italy scored 89.07% and secured the 2nd place.

Australia scored 88.3% and secured 3rd place.The survey established that the healthiest countries are mostly located in the continents of Asia & Europe. American countries failed to secure places in the first twenty places. India has secured 103rd place.

The survey revealed that Indian youngsters have taken to eating large amounts of fast-food leading to onset of diseases at an early age.