Kumari Palany & Co

Must know facts about pregnancy and child bearing

Posted on: 04/Feb/2016 12:50:15 PM
  • Women those who desire to have a baby need to include 400 msg of folic acid. It is also recommended to intake folic acid during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This will boost sperm activity
  • Make sure to remember your regular dates. The egg will be firm and healthy during the 6th to 15th days after the completion of your cycle. Intercourse during this time period will have higher probability of getting fertilized
  • You need to stop consuming contraceptive pills two months ahead of your pregnancy plan
  • There cannot be a better guide than your mother. Hence it is always advisable to discuss about your menstruation dates and doubts about pregnancy with your mother. Get her suggestions and feel confident
  • Before planning for pregnancy, it is important to know that getting pregnant after 30 years of age is usually difficult. The same will be even more difficult when you cross 40. It is applicable for men as well, as their sperm motility will eventually reduce
  • You also need to keep an eye on your daily diet. Your physical fitness plays a vital role in getting pregnant. Include more of fruits, veggies and omega-3 rich items. This will keep your body fit and healthy during your pregnancy period. Include vitamin D and C as they help in the growth of egg. It will make your egg as well as the sperm very fertile and rich
  • If it is tough for you to perform physical test, consult with a doctor. Chances are that you are not getting conceived due to physical ailments which you might not be aware of. 
  • Men should not get indulged in severe fitness exercises when you intend to have a baby.
  • When your body weight gets increased, the motility of sperms gets reduced. Hence the possibility of pregnancy reduces too. Increased weight may also result in changes with menstrual cycle.