Kumari Palany & Co

Body language shows person’s mental health, says study

Posted on: 26/Mar/2016 11:55:16 AM
A new study has said that the way a persons walks, talks and sits, and the individual`s mannerisms say a lot about his or her personality. The study also says that people who have similar behavioral characteristics tend to move their bodies in the same way. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. It was published in the scientific journal Interface. 

Speaking about this, one of the researchers said, Our study shows that movement gives an indication of a person’s behavioral characteristics. 

They feel that each person has an Individual Motor Signature or IMS. This is a blueprint of the subtle differences in the way people move compared to others, such as speed or weight of movement. This, along with how the person interacts in a social setting, can give an insight into their mental health condition.