Researchers from the University of Cincinnati have developed a paper based screening method for those suffering from blood clotting disorders. This simple method can be performed from their homes.
Say the researchers, (The screening test) could be a game changer for patients with several life-threatening conditions, researchers said. Patients with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure, kidney disease and others who are at risk for blood clotting are especially vulnerable when blood-thinning medication levels get too weak or too strong. We have developed a blood screening device for patients on medications like Coumadin, warfarin or other blood thinners who need to monitor their blood-clotting levels on a regular basis. Patients can soon monitor their blood coagulation characteristics from home quickly and painlessly before making needless trips to the lab or hospital.
The level of the blood’s ability to clot can be analysed by using nano fibre membranes inside paper based porous materials, which are housed within a plastic cassette. Speaking about this, the researchers said, Slight changes in the level of coagulation properties will occur normally depending on certain food intake and overall health conditions. A major change in levels immediately shows up on the paper-based test stick resulting in clotting patterns registering on one end of the spectrum or the other and will put up a red flag before any physiological trouble starts. This simple test is not intended to replace the very careful and accurate measurements that get accomplished in a laboratory facility, but at a relatively minimal cost a patient can do this on their own between scheduled visits or when in doubt. And it shouldn`t require a caregiver, as most patients can perform this test quickly on their own.