Kumari Palany & Co

How to live a stress-free life?

Posted on: 28/Jun/2016 4:59:04 PM
Medical researches claim that 20 percent of diseases are caused due to depression and stress. Science has grown to great extent and produced medicines to almost all diseases. A number of preventive and precautionary measures are there too. Despite all these, people still suffer from diseases and health ailments. In fact, these are increasing in number. Most youngsters suffer with headache. Right from babies up to elderly people, everyone say that they are so tensed! Heart attack in the age of 30 has become very common too. Depression and stress has become common to everyone, regardless of their field.
In the present scenario, both employer as well as the employee are under pressure. Employer gives loads of work to their employees and expects more work to be done. Likewise, parents force their children for better scores. People expect a lot to be done, even more than their potential and capability.
How much ever you earn, money remains insufficient to people. There is not any healthy talks anywhere. People fight for silly reasons and use poor words when they get tensed. Most of our lives are spent within our office premises. All these reasons put people under pressure. This pressure and stress stands as the primary reason for health related issues. A minimum level of depression to wake up at a particular time, to do the job on time and go to work as a routine are essential. These will be beneficial in sharpening all the five senses, energize your body and focus, and make you accept challenges.
There is not any depression with watching TV or sport. Some of the most common traits observed in depressed individuals are
·         They keep eating a lot or do not eat at all

·         They long for food

·         They shout in anger all of  a sudden

·         They become addicted to alcohol

·         They cry often

·         They will not enjoy good relationship with others

·         When depression is left untreated, it may lead to severe depression. Others will see such people as a godown of negativity.

How to get rid of stress and depression?
The most important way to get rid of stress is with exercise. Make your child practice cycling, swimming or walking. By indulging in such activities, they will not tend to get stressed out in lifife.

·         Do what you are supposed to do and not everything!

·         If you are pressurized with more works, be bold enough to say that you are being overloaded and that you cannot handle

·         Those who drink a lot of coffee are prone to get stressed

·         Having more of fresh fruits and vegetables will help reduce stress. On the other hand, eat lesser masala items and spicy food

·         Talk to your family members and spend quality time with them indulging in talks and casual chats

·         Indulge in breathing practices and yoga

·         It is a very bad practice to stay awake all night, eat at the middle of night, wake up in the late hours, sleep during day time and practice improper routine. Make it a practice to eat and sleep around the same time every day