Kumari Palany & Co

Say NO to roadside fruit juice and salads

Posted on: 08/Jul/2016 4:51:55 PM
The cash rich can be picky even with the water they drink, but what about the poor? They can beat the heat with roadside shops selling juice, Ragi porridge, fruits ,etc. This gives instant energy and quenches thirst. However, most of us fail to realize the after effects of drinking such roadside drinks. Dr Mohan states that these drinks, though sold under hot sun, are prone to getting decayed.
Generally, during summer months, we can find a number of shops popping up along roadside selling fruit juice, lassi, fruit salad, sugarcane juice, sarbat, frui essence, raghi porridge, watermelon, ice cream, etc. These contain a number of flies and bacteria that spread diseases as they are not closed and kept hygienic in proper manner. These are closed with netted lids for name sake. A few of the shopkeepers close it using newspapers and a few others keep it open. Those selling such fruit juice or ice cream will obviously not be able to afford to buy quality mineral water. They do not use quality drinking water. They source water from roadside taps and corporation lorry water. Shockingly, a few of them take water from tubs on roads that carry water stagnant for days together.
It is necessary to wash the mixi blade, mixi, knife, etc thoroughly before use each and every time. Fruits like apple, grapes, etc need to be completely washed before grinding them in mixi. Tumblers used to serve fruit juice or porridge need to be washed thoroughly before the next serving. Most of them fail to do this though. All the items used including Mixi, tumbler, etc are kept open. These are prone to dust and dirt raised by bikes and other vehicles passing by. 

There is high possibility of virus and bacteria attack on them. It is important to keep curd, palm fruit, etc in ice box so that they are kept fresh for long hours. They lose their natural flavors and taste because of keeping under the sun for long hours. Be it whatever fruit, it has to be consumed immediately after cutting it. Fruits like palm fruit are no exception. We can reap maximum benefit of the fruit only by eating immediately after being cut However, fruits added in fruit salad, palm fruit, etc are cut before several hours. These are served in unclean bowls and kept in open baskets. These shopkeepers do not use separate mixi jar for each of these fruits or curd to prepare juice or lassi.
As the tumblers are not properly washed, microorganisms and germs enter our stomach without our realization. The products sold in such shops are highly prone to get decayed due to long hours of exposure to sun and that too in unhealthy conditions.
Because of eating such food, there is high possibility for everyone, children to adults and grandparents to fall sick with stomach pain, dysentery, and vomiting. Our body will get dehydrated and cause fatigue and many other health ailments too.
Children experience fatigue, dysentery, vomit, etc. If they experience such ailments, take them to a pediatrician for consulting. When the same happens to elderly people, take them to nearby hospital and inject trips. For those who experience fatigue, but are still conscious, have a glass of electoral water.
When you go out, make sure to take a bottle full of purely boiled water and some fruits to have when you are hungry. If you do not have anany, make it a point to buy them in quality shops where the items are kept under safe and well preserved conditions.