Kumari Palany & Co

Today is World Heart Day

Posted on: 29/Sep/2016 2:45:25 PM
29th September is considered as the World Heart day.Cardio vascular disease (CVD) is the world’s leading killer, with a toll of over 17 million lives each year.  his ominous engine of illness is being driven by rampant CVD and diabetes. CVD accounts for 29.8 per cent of all deaths in India.
According to the World Heart Federation, at least 80 percent of the premature deaths, due to cardiovascular diseases can be protected by controlling four main risk factors - unhealthy diet, usage of tobacco, lack of physical activity and excessive consumption of alcohol. A healthy balanced diet, at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise, moderation in alcohol consumption and complete abstinence from smoking are key in curbing CVD.