SIMS Hospital in Vadapalani has launched a 24x7 helpline for stroke emergencies. The hospital will offer intravenous and intra-arterial thrombolysis therapy, which is the use of drugs to dissolve blood clots - the main cause for heart attack and stroke, within a time frame of 4-5 hours after the onset of stroke.
At the launch, a senior official of SIMS said, Time is critical in case of a stroke, as in heart attacks. A patient`s chances of complete recovery are better if given prompt medical treatment within the platinum minutes and golden hour period. We have launched a round-the-clock brain stroke emergencies managed by a dedicated rapid action team with staff fully trained in stroke management. Once a patient or a caretaker calls the helpline number, he or she will be connected to a team of doctors, nurses and paramedics trained to ask questions to assess the symptoms and condition, give medical advice and immediately depute an ambulance to reach the emergency unit.
The helpline number is - 044 20002020 and 9677715490.