Kumari Palany & Co

Workout for arms and abs

Posted on: 03/Nov/2016 9:50:24 AM
Here is a 15-minute special workout routine for arms and abs.The Dolphin Plank pose is a mix of Dolphin Pose and Plank Pose. Get down on the floor on your hands and knees, bring your elbows down to the floor, while your palms stay grounded. Raise your hips upwards. Make sure that the arms are parallel to each other, with palms flat on the floor. Pause; breathe normally, slowly lowering your back, resuming the first position of the forearm plank.

Regular pushups increase arm strength. Start by facing down with weight distributed on the hands and feet. The hands are usually placed approximately shoulder width apart. Lower your body until your chest nears the floor, and then return up to the starting position. Breathe out on the way down, and breathe in as you come back up. Continue the same for a minute at least for best results.

Next is shoulder tap to planking. Start with the high plank position, with your wrist under your shoulder and your feet hip width apart. Now, touch each shoulder with the opposite hand. Continue the same exercise for a minute, to enjoy best results.

The forearm side plank improves arm strength and balance. Lie on your left side with your legs extended, your left elbow directly under your shoulder, and your right hand palm down. Raise your right arm to put it behind your head. Rotate your torso in a way that your right elbow comes close to the left hand. For best results, don`t let your hips fall, utilizing all your gluten and core strength to maintain the posture.