Kumari Palany & Co

Breathing techniques to help you fight indigestion

Posted on: 25/Jan/2017 6:17:47 PM
SwarYog is a breathing-based science that hekps combat a range of gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, acidity, and what not. It involves the science of realization of cosmic consciousness through control and manipulation of breath. Here are some quick and easy tips to help deal with indigestion.

According to SwarYog, when you take a nap after having meals, you should first sleep on the left side for some time. Relax this way for ten minutes before rushing for your work. It soothes the digestive system.
A simple, yet important, practice followed in SwarYog is to sleep on the left side at night. This will help you to prolong the use of right nostril, which results in better digestion and strengthens digestive system in the body.

Eat spicy and oily food only after activation of right nostril. Activation of right nostril means closing your left nostril for two to three minutes and breathing only through the right nostril. After that, release the left nostril. Your right nostril shall be activated.

Intake of sweets and cold/frozen foods, like ice cream, must be done only after activation of left nostril. Cooling effect of left nostril helps in harmonising the body fluids without disrupting the body temperature.
Eating  sweets immediately after waking up in the morning should be completely avoided as this results in imbalance of natural elemental cycle and makes one prone to stomach disorders.
Lie down straight on plain surface and breathe as you normally do for eight times. Then, turn around to right side and breathe for sixteen times. Now, turn to left side and breathe for thirty-two times. This helps to make your digestive system stronger and spread out the food particles evenly throughout the system.
Drink water regularly from copper vessel. It helps your body to maintain temperature according to outside weather.
Start your day everyday with sitting in Padmasana for ten minutes. Concentrate on your navel, that is, on your Svadishthana Chakra. Activate right nostril (through the method explained above) and while activating, breath through the same fifteen times. This helps in streamlining the digestive system.