Kumari Palany & Co

Why does your body need Vitamin D?

Posted on: 03/Jun/2017 12:57:00 PM
There is close association between diet and health. When you show lack of focus on the former, the latter may be affected. Vitamin D is one such aspect to be compulsorily taken into account.
This is also called the sunshine vitamin. It’s needed for regulating calcium content in our body, healthy bones and teeth. In fact Vitamin D is a pro-hormone and not literally a vitamin. It has beneficial effects on cancer and type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
Our health requires fat soluble vitamin which is present in Vitamin D. Fatty fish, organ meat, select kinds of mushroom, fortified foods, etc are some of those containing the element. As popularly known, Vitamin D is not present in many kinds of food which is why almost 50 percent of the total world’s population is lacking enough Vitamin D.
It is however easy to correct the deficiency. All it requires is getting exposed to sunlight. Your body has the potential to produce the vitamin by itself when it is subject to sunlight exposure.
It is also important to know that vitamin D has direct impact on obesity and other health ailments. When Vitamin D is deficient, children will be prone to rickets or soft or fragile bone. Troubles like headache, depression, etc can be fought against with Vitamin D.
What is the amount of Vitamin D your body requires?
It is enough if you just get exposed to the hot sun for 10 minutes of your daily busy life.