Kumari Palany & Co

Neem leaves control oil production on the facial glands and prevent pimples

Posted on: 24/Nov/2017 3:57:04 PM
The facial glands produce oil in order to keep the face from going dry. When these glands are blocked by dust or impurity, there is an infection leading to the formation of pimples on the face.
One should always keep the face clean. One should ensure to prevent oily facial appearance. The persons with skin with excess oil should keep washing the face and cleaning with soap and water.

Do not keep touching the pimples with fingers. Never try to pinch them with the nails. This would lead to heavy infection and then cause the formation of more facial pimples. In this condition, neem leaf acts as a germicide.

Grinds neem leaves and make a smooth paste. Apply on the facial pimples. Let it remain for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

Other things such as gram-flour, Kasturi turmeric powder, and aloe vera may also be applied for a similar treatment to good effect. Wash with alum water.

Using anti-biotic lotions can also help prevent infection and prevent pimples. However, remember that whatever medicines are used, the effects can be seen only after a month of use. So, keep patience.

Include raw vegetables and fruits in the diet. Avoid oil-rich food. Control and prevent constipation. It would be better to keep separate pillow-covers, soaps, and towels for each person. Do daily physical exercise.

With this routine, the blocks in the skin pores will get removed and the skin will get cleansed. It is better it avoid facial talcum powder and other cosmetics. These may lead to blocking the oil glands.