Kumari Palany & Co

Magical benefits of milk plus jaggery

Posted on: 25/Nov/2017 11:06:12 AM
As winter is fast approaching, it is high time to take all precautionary measures to keep your skin and body healthy. Of course, winter is a loved season of all as you gear up for the new year, but there are a lot of precautionary measures needed to be taken as well so that you stay healthy and enjoy the blissful climate.
Right from your wardrobe to what is in your plate, you need to alter everything to match with the outside climate. You cannot miss out on jaggery when you talk about winter foods. Jaggery is a commonly used sweetener that is naturally available. It comes with too many health benefits and medicinal values.
There are a lot of health benefits of drinking milk mixed with jaggery. It can do a lot more wonders than you think – do you know? Jaggery is rich in a number of nutrients. It is touted as one of the best drinks, as doctors say, regardless of the age group of who consumes it. A lot of us usually don’t like the taste though. If you don’t like the taste try adding extra of jaggery and experience all of its benefits.
Bid bye to joint pain
You can get a lot stronger with drinking milk. Right from childhood, this is a common advice that we hear. Well, you can add a spoon of jaggery to increase the bone strengths and bid adieu to joint pain even further. You can even have consume it as you daily staple drink.
Pure blood
Jaggery basically enhances purity of your blood, by shedding out all the toxins from your body. Consuming milk added with jaggery can largely aid the same. Apart from cleansing your body, it will also keep your body healthy and energetic.
Eases losing weight
For those who don’t know, here is the info – milk can help you in shedding kilos. Yes. It is true. You will have to add jaggery to the milk and consume regularly, almost every day. Jaggery contains natural sweetness. So, in no way you are consuming any extra sweet or sugar with this drink. With this, you can easily shed kilos without getting faint.
Glowing skin
With winter comes a lot of troubles for the skin, certainly! In spite of all the beauty routine that you follow, the skin might not glow as it usually does during the other seasons. The solution to this trouble is to have a glass of milk added with jaggery. It can give you a glowing and smooth skin and bid bye to all the dryness and itching caused by the winter weather.
Enhances digestion process
Most of us suffer indigestion problem. This may be due to improper diet or lifestyle, or their craving for food. Indigestion can affect you at any time on any day. For those who suffer out of constipation or irregular bowel movement or other kinds of digestion troubles, having milk added with jaggery can be a lot beneficial. You can in fact make it a part of your daily diet to boost digestion and provide instant and prolonged relief.
Strong and iron-rich pregnancy
It is the most blissful feeling to carry another soul inside you – it is the magic of pregnancy. This however comes with a lot of cautious efforts and precautionary measures of which anemia is a major concern. Pregnant women should be cautious that they don’t get anemic. Hence, most doctors prescribe supplements of iron. . If you have difficulty in consuming them, due to nausea perhaps, you can rather consume milk added with jaggery to get the same effect. Consult with your gynecologist before consuming though.
Immunizes your body
Milk serves as an excellent source of calcium. It helps in improving your body’s immunity. Coupling this with jaggery will perk up its taste and also increases immunity furthermore. Your body will thus be able to combat the bad effects of a number of bacteria, especially during winter times.
Subsides menstrual pain
At times, you may experience too much of menstrual pain and cramps. Using hot bags or taking medications to combat menstrual pain is not advisable. Here comes the magical drink – milk plus jaggery. The drink can help in subsiding your stomach cramps. As you also consume milk, it strengthens your bones. With the jaggery intake, you can combat the mood swings you experience during menstruation which is an added plus.
Boosts stamina
You can increase stamina in your body and increase the overall energy level by consuming sugar or jaggery. However, sugar and jaggery are different from each other. While sugar is merely a carbohydrate that gives instant energy to your body, jaggery is of complex form that requires more time to break down and give you the energy. Hence, the energy it provides will also be present in your body for longer period. So, ultimately, you get a lot of energy by consuming milk mixed with jaggery every day.
Better bone strength
As jaggery is rich source of potassium and milk is a rich source of calcium and a lot of other nutrients, the combination of jaggery and milk is a wonderful supplement you can give to your own body. It can make your bones very strong.
Improves metabolism
Your body will digest foo better and improve its metabolic rate when you regularly consume the jaggery-milk drink. You can bid bye to the indigestion troubles with this drink. On the whole, you will experience better health and feel energetic.
With these many benefits of the drink, would you hesitate consuming it anymore?