Kumari Palany & Co

These are the health issues that occur in males and every male must know those issues

Posted on: 24/Apr/2018 1:10:28 PM
It is often said that men do not take care of themselves much like women and they face more health issues than women. There are various reasons like the types of work men do plus due to their biology etc.

These days we often see many men taking great care of their cars or of their gadgets they have etc.  It is highly important that men must start taking care of themselves so that they could avoid certain health issues that occur in them.

Various health issues that are present in men are

Risk of cardiovascular diseases - It is revealed that 1.8 million men experience stroke every year and one in every three men have some types of cardiovascular diseases. Men must take enough care about themselves so that they could be free from this health issue. Doctors must be consulted so that the risk of these cardiovascular diseases would be known and effective treatment could be taken.

Risk of respiratory diseases - Many men are getting affected by respiratory diseases like lung cancer these days more when compared to the past. It must be noted that exposure to asbestos plays a role in this lung cancer. The main cause for this lung cancer is because of heavy smoking in men. A low dose CT scan is important to screen lung cancer for those who have been smoking for very long time. Beginning with just a simple cough it could lead to lung cancer or emphysema etc. So enough care must be taken.

Risk of diabetes more in men - Men must give importance to this diabetes and take proper care. In men diabetes could lead to low testosterone levels plus sexual impotence etc. These might later leads to depression and anxiety issues. It is said that doing physical exercises like walking could lessen the risk of diabetes to 50 % in men.

Risk of skin cancer - According to skin cancer foundation it is now revealed that men above the age of 50 are more prone to skin cancers. The reason is due to the fact that men are exposed more to sun. Protection from sun could be got by wearing full sleeves, sunglasses etc. Exposure to UV light sources should also be avoided by men.

It is must that men must visit doctor regularly even though they don’t have any serious health issues in them. Totally avoiding doctor could result in a huge problem later.