Kumari Palany & Co

These are the various causes for low energy in men

Posted on: 23/Oct/2018 10:47:21 AM
After a long and tiring day of work men feel tired, have low energy in them and due to low energy they would not be able to do basic tasks also without feeling worn out. Feeling tired and having low energy have become part and parcel of life for men. This low energy could be due to various lifestyle factors like due to lack of exercise, poor sleeping, diet etc.  Sometimes few medical conditions like sleep apnea or low levels of testosterone could also lead to low energy.

These are the symptoms of low energy in men:

Men with low energy feel sleepy during the day plus they would have problems in concentrating etc. These men feel lack of motivation also.

These are the different reasons or causes for low energy in men


This is one important factor for low energy in men. Poor diet or nutritional deficiencies could make men to have low energy in them. The energy levels of men could be boosted by the intake of vegetables, whole grains, proteins etc. Consuming food that does not have nutrients could result in low energy levels.


Normally people feel that their energy level starts decreasing after doing exercise for long time. The fact is exercise increases adrenaline and the energy levels. When a person does not do any exercise for longer time periods then his muscle becomes weaker and this results in fatigue after doing basic tasks. Too much of exercise could also lead to fatigue. Hence proper balance for optimum energy levels is very important.

Reduction in the testosterone levels:

Primary male sex hormone or testosterone plays important role in both mental and physical energy level of men. The level of testosterone decreases when men become older and it could result in low energy levels, fatigue etc in men. Low testosterone level is also termed as hypogonadism.


Not many know that insomnia could lead to low energy levels in men. This issue could affect men of any age. This insomnia could be due to various reasons like physical, emotional and psychological etc.

Thyroid disorders:

Our body’s metabolism and other functions are controlled by the hormones produced by thyroid glands is well known. Hypothyroidism is a condition when these glands do not produce enough of certain hormones. This hypothyroidism could lead to low energy levels in men.

Medical conditions:

Lastly there are few medical conditions that could cause low energy in men. These medical conditions are diabetes, heart diseases, liver failure, kidney failure, COPD, etc.