Kumari Palany & Co

These are the reasons why consuming yam or suran is very important

Posted on: 24/Oct/2018 10:07:53 AM
Cultivated in many temperate and in tropical regions in the world, yam or suran are perennial herbaceous vines. This yam belongs to family named ‘Dioscoreaceae’ and is one of the most consumed foods in the world. There are as many as 200 varieties of yams available and the colour ranges from ivory, yellow to purple. In Tamil yam is called as ‘Sena Kizhangu’, in Telugu it is called as ‘Kandagadda’ and in Hindi it is known as ‘Suran or Jimikhand’. It is known that Nigeria is the largest producer and exporter of yam. This yam or suran are also known as elephant’s foot because of it resemblance to feet of an elephant.

What is present in yam?

It is worthy to note that yam consists of complex carbohydrates, soluble fibre plus it also has vitamin B6, B1, folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin etc. Vitamin C is present in yam and yam provides 20 % of vitamin c in our body per 100gms. Minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium etc are also present in yam.

Intake of yam provides us many health benefits and these are

Low glycemic index:

People with diabetes are highly concerned about their food. It is said that intake of yam by diabetes patients does not harm them as there would not be any increase in blood sugar levels. Yam is highly recommended low glycemic index food.

Helps in digestion etc:

Constipation is an important issue for many. This issue gets reduced and bad cholesterol gets lowered by intake of yam having dietary fibres. Healthy digestion is possible due to potassium in yam. Bowel movements would e improved.

Improves cognitive abilities:

It is necessary that a person must have good cognitive ability. Intake of yam improves the memory power of a person effectively. The antioxidant compound in yams does superbly to increase the cognitive abilities. Curing of Alzheimer’s disease could be possible.

Prevention of colon cancer, lung cancer etc:

Many these days have colon cancer and this could be prevented by the intake of yam. It is revealed that the dietary fibres present in yam prevent colon cancer by preventing toxic compounds in foods from adhering to the colon mucosa. Protection from lung and oral cavity cancers are got by vitamin A in yam.

Ageing signs delayed:

We all want to look young and we try many things for that. It is brought out that yam or suran has anti-ageing benefits. The presence of many skin friendly nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamin C, B6, antioxidants etc prevent wrinkles and other ageing signs in us. Production of skin collagen is stimulated by yam and as a result the skin is smooth and elastic.

Supports female endocrine system:

For those menopausal women intake of yam or suran is highly beneficial. This yam has an enzyme that provides natural alternative to hormonal replacement in women who have reached menopause stage. Female endocrine system is supported by yam.

Good for heart diseases etc:

Yam or suran has right mixture of vitamins, minerals, fibres etc in it and this vegetable i is superb for those having heart diseases etc.