Kumari Palany & Co

Why intake of cruciferous vegetables is very important for us?

Posted on: 16/Nov/2018 9:50:40 AM
The cruciferous vegetables belong to the family named ‘Brassicaceae’ or ‘Cruciferae’ is known. Few examples of cruciferous vegetables are cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli etc. These cruciferous vegetables are rich in soluble fibre, vitamin C, nutrients, phytochemicals etc.

Intake of cruciferous vegetables is important as it could provide us many benefits.


Sulforaphane is an important phyto chemical present in cruciferous vegetables. This sulforaphane has got superb antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties and these properties are effective against stomach cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer etc.  

Relief from depression issues:

In the year 2015 a study was published and as per the study the sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables have antidepressant and anxiety reducing properties. Inflammation due to depression gets treated well. Broccoli must be eaten by us so that we could be free from depression issues.

Good for heart:

Not many know that intake of cruciferous vegetables could prevent inflammation of arterial walls due to sulforaphane. BP and tissue inflammation gets prevented. .

Protects us from many toxic substances:

It is well known that we are surrounded by many toxic substances. It has been shown by the studies that sulforaphane helps in protection from and elimination of arsenic and pesticides etc.

Manages diabetes:

In the diabetes type-2 patients, insulin resistance could be reduced by intake of more cruciferous vegetables. The sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables could prevent nephropathy, diabetes related fibrosis etc in us.

Pain reducer:

In female patients with Fibromalagia, combination of vitamin C compound ascorbigen and broccoli powder reduced sensitivity to pain. It has been proved that sulforaphane has also got superb pain blocking properties.