Kumari Palany & Co

Men, please do not consume these foods as they might lower your fertility

Posted on: 28/Jun/2019 10:16:28 AM
It has been proved by a research carried out by popular Harvard University that high fat processed foods could harm the sperm. In that study, as many as 3000 men belonging to the ages between 18 and 20 were studied.

The important point is those who consumed vegetable rich diet like fruits and veggies and those who consumed fish /chicken had high sperm count when compared to those who ate junk foods and processed meats etc.

Men must avoid these foods so that their sperm count would be good.

Processed meats consumption:
Point is mobility of sperm gets altered with the intake of processed meats. Examples of processed foods are hot dogs, beef, salami etc. Please avoid these as far as possible. Men who consume processed meats would have reduced sperm count is already shown by the research of Harvard University.

Carbonated beverages intake:
It must not be forgotten that the intake of carbonated beverages or sports drinks could have adverse effect on the health of sperms. Researchers have found that intake of carbonated beverages could result in poor sperm mobility.

Soy products intake:
The sperm count would not be normal if men consume soy products. It is revealed that the presence of phytoestrogens in soy products could lead to low sperm count in males.

Intake of cheese/ full fat dairy products:
It is found that intake of cheese and full cream milk etc could lower the sperm count in males. So men please avoid these.