Kumari Palany & Co

Various factors that could lead to swollen feet and ankles

Posted on: 04/Sep/2019 11:16:52 AM
Many people suffer from swollen feet and ankles and face huge difficulties in their day to day lives. Point here is this issue might seem random at first but there is an underlying reason for this issue. Hence it is better that we visit a doctor immediately when we get this issue in us.   

These are the various factors or causes for the swollen feet and ankles in us.

It is well known that pregnancy could lead to vomiting and nausea but what is unknown is pregnancy could also lead to swollen feet and ankles. It must be taken into account that there would be added pressure on the veins due to hormonal changes and this could result in swelling.

Being over - weight:
This could also be one major reason for the swelling of feet and ankles. It is said that excess stress and pressure on the feet could lead to swelling due to retention of fluids.

Standing or sitting for long time:
Swollen feet s and ankles in us could also be due to prolonged standing or sitting.  It is important to note here that while moving the muscles that are involved help pump fluid and blood to and from the limbs. Fluid gets retained and swelling takes place when the movement is restricted.

The swelling could result due to an injury to feet and ankles also. It is important to mention here that body sends blood to the injured area to make things better. Point is due to this the joints stiffen and swelling takes place.

It is revealed that swelling in the feet and ankles could be due to an infection. Foot infections take place in those who are affected by diabetic neuropathy or with some nerve issues of feet.

Venous insufficiency:
An early symptom of this venous insufficiency is swelling of feet and ankles. In those persons having this issue, the blood inadequately moves up the veins from the legs and feet up to the heart. It must be noted that this chronic venous insufficiency could lead to skin ulcers, skin changes plus others like skin ulcers, infections etc.

Heart and kidney diseases:
It is shocking to mention here that swelling in feet as well as in the ankles could be due to heart or kidney diseases also. Sometimes our ankles swell in the evening and it is a sign of retaining salt and water due to right sided heart failure in us.