Kumari Palany & Co

We could prevent Alzheimers disease or AD in us by following these

Posted on: 21/Sep/2019 10:18:47 AM
Also known as Alzheimers, Alzheimers disease or AD is chronic neuro-degenerative disease that affects many elder persons. The brain cells of a person affected with AD degenerate and die. The information is this disease begins slowly then gets worsened over time. It is now revealed that 60 to 70% dementia cases are due to AD. People with AD do not remember the recent events.

Other important symptoms of AD are issues with language, mood swings, disorientation, loss of motivation etc.

By these, we could keep Alzheimer’s disease away.

By learning new things:
To reduce or lower the risk of getting affected with AD, it is important that we must keep learning new things. The brain would become stronger by learning more. It is said that learning creative things like painting, instrument etc could be highly beneficial. By learning new things, the process would be stimulated.

By managing BP:
It is well known that high BP could lead to heart issues in us. Not many know that high BP has also got relation with dementia too. Point to be noted here is people with Alzheimer related brain changes would have signs of vascular damage in the brain. It is important that by keeping BP in control our heart as well as brain would be good.

By switching to mediterranean diet:
This is also one important way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease in us. It is brought out that intake of fresh fruits, veggies, olive oil, whole grains etc would be superb.

By socializing with others:
Sometimes people prefer to be alone and away from others. It is said that by connecting with others it is possible to avoid AD in the older age.     

By sleeping enough:
Many of us do not get the required amount of sleep of 6 to 8 hours that is very essential for our health to be good. It is believed that by having sufficient sleep we could prevent this Alzheimer’s disease.

By doing exercises regularly:
Two best exercises that a person must do are aerobic and strength training. In a week, a person must do exercises 3 to 4 days for a time of atleast 30 minutes.