Whether we want to lose our excess weights or to keep us fit condition, exercising is very important. People do many types of exercises for their health. Running is one type of exercise and it helps in keeping the heart health is good shape.
It is worthy to note that running is a type of terrestrial locomotion that allows human to move rapidly using their foot.
We could get many benefits by running and these are reduction in BP levels, weight control, relief from stress etc.
There are some foods that a person must consume after running. These foods are
Intake of chocolate milk:
One of the most loved foods in this world is chocolate. It must be noted that chocolate milk is rich in proteins and carbohydrates that are easy to digest and by this the muscles could recover. There are some studies that have shown that by intake of chocolate milk body has recovered more when compared to the intake of other types of recovery drinks.
Intake of banana and peanut butter:
After a long run if you want your body to recover fast then combination of banana and peanut butter would be superb. It is worthy to mention here that this combination is low in calories and is good for the health. Another advantage is this snack is very easy to prepare.
Intake of wholegrain bread and nut butter:
It is said that nut butter rich in nutrients would be a superb food after running. When eaten along with gluten free whole grain bread, then the body gets the much needed carbohydrates.
Intake of fruit salad or veggie salad:
After coming home from running a long distance, it is important that we must consume fruit salad or vegetables salad. By the intake of fruit salad we could get antioxidants and by intake of veggie salad we could get vitamins. Information is intake of raw cabbage, spinach etc would be superb.
Intake of beans and lentils:
It is revealed that beans and lentils are best protein food that must be consumed after running. It is known that lentil is edible legume with lens shaped seeds and bean is a seed that belongs to family Fabaceae.
Intake of watermelon:
The presence of lycopene and citrulline in water melons play a huge role in treating the sore muscles. Dehydration could be tackled after a long run by intake of this fruit.