Kumari Palany & Co

It is possible to balance our hormones naturally by these superb ways

Posted on: 01/Apr/2020 10:35:46 AM
Our mental, physical and psychological health gets affected by hormones in us. These chemical messengers of the body could affect our mood, appetite, weight etc in us.

Hormonal imbalance has become quite common these days and factors like food and lifestyle play a huge role in this. This hormonal imbalance could lead to less or excess of hormones in us.

There are few ways by which hormone could be balanced naturally and these are

By proper sleeping:
For our body to be healthy, it is essential that we must have proper and sound sleep. The hunger hormones get affected by lack of sleep and people tend to eat more. For proper hormone balance we must make sure that we sleep well for 6 to 7 hours in the nights.

By reducing stress:
Our hormones could become unbalanced when we have stress. Adrenaline and cortisol gets increased and it could result in mood swings, more hunger plus few issues. It is believed that by doing some exercises and yoga/meditation etc we could overcome stress.

By consuming enough proteins:
Known as building blocks of the body, proteins play a huge role in repairing of muscles. Lack of protein intake could affect our hunger hormone. By consuming sufficient proteins we could feel full and eat less food.

By doing exercises regularly:
For our overall health to be good we must do exercises without fail. It must be noted that for our hormone levels to be healthy it is essential that we must exercise regularly.

By intake of healthy food:
It is necessary to eat foods like flax seeds, broccoli, salmon fish, leafy greens, nuts, soy etc. By intake of healthy food we would be able to balance our hormones.

By avoiding intake of sugars:
It is believed that by eliminating sugars from our food we would be able to keep the hormone level in control.