Kumari Palany & Co

Continuous sessions looking at computer monitors (TV) lead defective eyesight!

Posted on: 29/Apr/2020 1:52:14 PM
The persons who spend excessive time working looking at the computer monitors should be cautious about getting affected eyesight!

By spending excessive time continuously looking at the computer monitor screens, complaints such deterioration of eyesight, temporary defective vision, etc., occur!

 With the prevailing lockdown situation, people are constrained to remain in their residence, forcing them to spend more time on the computer, smartphone, and the television! With this, there adds a risk of the powerful blue rays emanating from the screens affecting the eyes!

This may lead not only to defective vision, but also a reduction in the production of melatonin in the body, leading to affecting the balanced sleep patterns. Subsequently, this leads to mental tension, loss of concentration, etc.

As per the observations of the medical experts, for the people above 15 years of age, only 2 hours per day is the safe margin allowed to look at the monitors! However, in the current life-trend, most of us spend hours together looking at the screens of computer monitor, television, and the cell phones!

Thus, we tend to look at the monitors for much more time without being aware of the risk! The regular winking fre1uency of the eyes gets lowered to the extent of reducing the wet/moist content of the eyes – this leads to the pain/irritation in the eyes. The retinas get affected!

So, these complaints – temporary eye disorder and deterioration of sight – occur due to continuous hours of looking at monitors! SO, what do the employees in the Information/technology/software sector need to do – as they obviously cannot reduce the work time on the computer systems! 

Here are a few tips:
  • Get into the habit of winking your eyes more often! This will retain the moisture content inside the eyes!
  • After every 20 minutes spent on looking at the monitor, take your eyes off the monitor – look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds!
  • Keep wearing the spectacles designed/meant for working on the computer systems. Even as you wear them and work, you can feel the reduction in the impact of the screen on the eyes! Keep the brightness level on the monitor suitably! The brightness of the monitor should not exceed the extent of brightness outside!
  • It is established after various researches that both our physical and mental health do get affected greatly by spending continuous hours on the monitors and the social network media – it is explained that this habit creates a certain tension and mental stress on us!

So, let us reduce the number of hours spent in fro not the television/computer/smartphone screens to the extent possible – thus giving due consideration to our physical and mental health!h!