Kumari Palany & Co

Home made face masks

Posted on: 05/Jun/2013 6:30:49 PM
The following foods that are readily available in your larder are very good for the face.
  • The acid in lemon juice helps cleanse your face and prevents acne. It also gets rid of the excess oil and close the pores. Simply apply lemon juice on your face, let dry and wash off.
  • Eggs may be applied on the face – either the whole egg or just the white according to your preference. The yolk is an excellent moisturizer, while the white works well as a firming agent. Add some rose water to it if you feel the smell is too much to take.
  • Bananas are also a great moisturizer and refreshes the skin. Mash the banana with a little honey and apply on the face. Wash off once dry.