Kumari Palany & Co

Eating too much proteins for weight loss could lead to these issues, please be careful

Posted on: 15/Dec/2020 9:36:11 AM
Many of us who are interested in building the muscles or to lose weight opt for proteins. It is a known fact that proteins are building blocks of life and play an important role in boosting metabolism etc. The proteins also reduce appetite, regulate several hormones and finally lead to weight loss in us.

Intake of proteins in limited amounts would be beneficial but when consumed in excess amounts it could lead to many issues or side effects in us.

It is said that factors like age, physical activity, gender plus others like pregnancy etc play a role in the Recommended Dietary Allowance or RDA. Point is that an adult could consume 0.8gms of protein per kilo of body weight daily. If a person is involved in intense physical activity then the amount of protein intake could vary between 1.3ghms to 1.6gms. Care must be taken so that the daily intake of protein should not go more than 1.6gms per kilo of body weight daily.

Various issues or side effects of excess intake of proteins are

Bad breath:
It is important to note that by reducing the intake of carbohydrates and by increasing the intake of proteins could result in bad breath issue. The body goes into metabolic state ketosis when low amounts of carbohydrates are consumed by us. This could result in the production of chemicals that would give unpleasant smell.

Another side effect of consuming excess proteins is that we could get constipation issues. We would take less amount of fibre if we consume more proteins and lower amounts of carbohydrates. It is believed that by the intake of fibre we could get easy bowel movements. Intake of excess protein fibre could result in digestive issues and constipation in us.

Dizziness or brain fogging:
For the sake of maintaining the calorie count, we need to decrease the intake of carbohydrates for taking in more protein. The brain would get less sugar by eating lesser amounts of carbohydrates. This would make us feel dizzy.

We could get dehydrated when we consume excess proteins. The kidneys must work hard to remove excess of protein and nitrogen waste from metabolising the protein. This would make us urinate too much and lead to dehydration.

Weight gain:
The important piece of information is that by intake of excess proteins we could put on weight instead of losing weight. By this, the efforts taken to reduce the body weight would be wasted.