Kumari Palany & Co

Dont eat fast or else you might get these health issues

Posted on: 16/Dec/2020 9:37:35 AM
In this fast paced world, the lack of time at the disposal makes us eat fast. Sometimes, people might take lots of time to eat the food.  It is important to note here that we must chew the food properly and not swallow it faster. It is said that eating food mindlessly is very bad. Hence, those who eat their food fast would have to eat slowly.

Eating faster could affect us in these ways

Lead to overeating:
We would not be able to pay much attention if we eat food fast. By this, we might be over eating the food and that would be unhealthy. Truth is overeating could lead to weight gain plus various health issues in us. The brain would not be given sufficient time to realise that it’s full (when we eat fast) and hence we would end up eating more calories.

Lead to obesity:
Eating food very fast could result in obesity. Many persons who are obese mostly complain about poor diet and lack of physical activity but the actual truth is that by eating faster chewing would not be done. This could lead to eating more food than needed.

Lead to various stomach issues:
Not many would be aware of the fact that by eating food fast the person could get stomach issues like bloating, indigestion etc. It is worthy to mention that for the sake of eating fast many eat food along with water or sodas etc. This is really dangerous because it would stop from getting digested properly leading to stomach issues.

Lead to diabetes:
There would be a sudden spike in the blood sugar levels when we eat food fast. This could result in insulin resistance and then to increase in the blood sugar levels or diabetes.

Lead to metabolic syndrome:
Metabolic syndrome is termed as a cluster of factors that could lead to issues like diabetes, heart diseases and stroke. Those who consume foods very fast have increased waistlines plus low levels of HDL cholesterol. Research studies have mentioned that fast eaters are more prone to this issue than slow eaters.

Erosive gastritis:
It is important to note that eating fast could also result in eating away the lining of the stomach or erosive gastritis issue. People could also get deep ulcers by eating food fast. The lining of the stomach gets exposed more to the gastric acid when a person eats fast.