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By eating these low oxalate foods, we could avoid getting kidney stones

Posted on: 23/Dec/2020 9:27:38 AM
These days many of us have kidney stones issues in us and find it very difficult.

Otherwise called nephrolithiasis, kidney stone disease refers to an issue where a solid piece of material is developed in the urinary tract of a person. It must be noted that kidney stones form in the kidneys and come out through urine. Information is that a small stone might pass without creating any issue but a bigger sized stone would cause pain for the person.

It is believed that those foods rich in oxalates could lead to the formation of kidney stones in us.

Truth is that when we consume oxalate based foods they get broken down in the digestive system and pass through urine and stools. The oxalate could combine with calcium in the intestines and get excreted easily. There are times where due to less consumption of water oxalate does not get flushed out properly from the system. Oxalate increases in us due to low intake of foods rich in calcium. By this, oxalate crystals get formed resulting in the kidney stones in us.

Various low oxalate foods that could prevent kidney stones in us are

By intake of apples:
It has been proved by studies that apples with low oxalate could prevent us from getting kidney stone issues.

By intake of grapes:
By consuming grapes, it is possible to reduce the formation of kidney stones by 50%. Truth is grapes rich in polyphenols could prevent the formation of oxalate crystals. This could prevent the formation of kidney stones in us.

By intake of lemons:
Low in oxalate content, lemons could reduce the formation of kidney stones in us. The presence of potassium den citric acid in lemon would increase the volume of urine and then would flush out oxalate from the kidneys.

By intake of bananas:
Rich in vitamin B6, intake of bananas could reduce the formation of oxalate in the urine. It is said that urine oxalate concentration would be reduced by the intake of bananas.

By intake of cucumber:
By acting as a natural dissolvent, cucumber would dissolve tiny oxalate crystals. Extra uric acid in our body would get flushed out by the kidneys by cucumber intake. It is important that we must consume cucumber without salt to avoid any adverse effect.

By intake of onions:
The risk of getting kidney stones would be reduced if we consume chopped and fresh onions. Onions could be consumed either by adding to curry or as soup oror as in raw form.

By intake of coriander:
Adding raw coriander leaves (with low oxalate in them) to the diet could reduce the formation of kidney stones in us. Kidney functioning would get better due to the presence of calcium, potassium etc in the coriander leaves.

By intake of low fat yoghurt:
Not many know that by consuming yoghurt having low fat it is possible to avoid the formation of kidney stones. Truth is that the high calcium in the yoghurt would help binding of oxalate molecules. Then, they could be flushed out from the kidneys.

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