Kumari Palany & Co

Try these natural ways for improving your bowel movements

Posted on: 24/Dec/2020 9:30:51 AM
Many people just sit in the toilet for a long duration without passing stools. This happens mostly in the elder persons. It is said that having a good bowel movement does not mean that you don’t have constipation issues. Good eating habits plus good lifestyle are very important as they would help in the healthy bowel movement in us. Our overall health would also be improved. People these days opt for some medicines for the bowel movements. Truth is the bowel movements could be improved in a natural way also.

Various ways by which our bowel movements could be improved naturally are

By consuming high fibre foods:
We would be able to add bulk and weight to the stools if we consume foods rich in fibre content. The bowel movements would be stimulated by these foods. Various examples of foods rich in fibres are carrots, sweet potato, broccoli etc. Fact is these foods leave the stomach without being digested, reach colon and feed the good bacteria. In the end, we would be able to pass stools easily.

By drinking hot water:
This is also one important way by which our bowel movements could be improved naturally. The stool could get softened and would be easy to pass if we stay hydrated by drinking hot water. We would have regular bowel movement by drinking hot water.

Do not eat late at nights:
Many of us these days eat our dinner very late. This could lead to difficulty in passing stools. The truth is many foods take lots of time to get digested and when we sleep the digestion process gets slowed down. This would lead to undigested foods in the digestive tract for a longer duration. It is important to note that eating late in the nights could also lead to acid reflux issues etc.

By having ginger in the morning:
It is revealed that we could have better bowel movements if we take fresh ginger in the morning. The anti-inflammatory property of ginger plays an important role here. By intake of ginger, our stomach would get contracted and the bowel movements would be easier.

By consuming ACV or apple cider vinegar:
We would spend less time in the toilet by consuming apple cider vinegar. By the intake of apple cider vinegar our overall digestion would become better.

By consuming psyllium husk:
It is worthy to mention that psyllium husk is a bulk forming laxative and it would absorb water in the intestines and would swell up. By this, the stools would get softened and there would be improved bowel movements.

By squatting:
Not many would be aware of the f fact that by squatting it is possible to improve the bowel movements naturally. So, please try this also.