Kumari Palany & Co

Magnesium deficiency would be revealed by these important signs, please take care

Posted on: 04/Jan/2021 9:25:46 AM
For doing various activities, our body requires certain amounts of magnesium. By not having the prescribed amounts of this important mineral, we could get many issues in us.

Normal levels of magnesium are between 0.6 to 1.1 mmol per litre. Hypo-magnesia is a condition where the magnesium levels would be lower than 0.6 mmol per litres. It must be noted that those with hypo-magnesia would show specific ECG changes in them. It must be noted that hype-magnesia is a condition where high levels of magnesium is present in the blood. Here the magnesium levels are more than 1.1 mmol per litres.

These are the various signs of magnesium deficiency in us.

Increase in anxiety and depression:
It is believed that low magnesium levels could affect our mental health. We could get depression and anxiety issues.

Increases osteoporosis:
Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones in us would become brittle and weak. As a result, we could get fractures more.

This is also one important sign of magnesium deficiency in us. The muscles in us would become weak and we would feel fatigue.

Headaches, nausea etc:
Many with lower magnesium levels would get headaches plus other issues like nausea, vomiting etc. So, please take care.

Increase in BP:
The poor magnesium in us would also be revealed by the increase in the blood pressure or BP levels. The presence of type-2 diabetes and heart diseases etc could also indicate the magnesium deficiency in us.

Severe asthma:
Sometimes, persons with magnesium deficiency would have severe asthma. These persons would have difficulty in breathing. The muscle lining the airways of the lungs would have deposits of calcium due to lack of magnesium. This would create breathing issues.

Irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia:
It is said that those persons having magnesium deficiency would have irregular heartbeats or arrhythmia in them.