Kumari Palany & Co

Free cancer awareness and detention camp

Posted on: 20/Jun/2013 4:18:32 PM
Joint Commissioner of Police (West Zone) K.A. Shanmugavelu inaugurated a cancer awareness programme on Wednesday. The programme is being organized Paterson Cancer Centre.

The free cancer awareness and detection programme will begin on June 20th and go on till June 30th. Candidates will undergo basic blood and urine workup, ultrasound, chest X ray, ECG, pap smear (for women), infrared mammogram (for suspected candidates) and biopsy or other specialised investigations.

Speaking at the inauguration, Mr. Shanmugavelu said, ‘Awareness about cancer is the key to keeping the disease at bay… Cancer (is) no longer the dreadful disease that it once was. Today it can be fully cured. But what has to be kept in mind is that the earlier it is detected the easier it is to cure the disease.’