Kumari Palany & Co

Cravings for these different foods is quite common during pregnancy

Posted on: 24/Jun/2021 9:36:17 AM
During pregnancy, change in appetite and cravings for certain foods are quite common.

It must be taken into note that nutritional needs of a pregnant woman are indicated by cravings for particular food. In addition to this, hormonal changes could also lead to food cravings. Point is that in the first trimester, pregnancy cravings start and it peaks in the second trimester. There are also times when pregnant women do not crave for food also. This doesn’t mean that she is having an issue.

Pregnant women would have cravings for one particular food for a day or two and another food craving for a different day or two.

Pregnant women have cravings for these foods.

Cravings for ice-creams:
Pregnant women crave ice-cream mainly due to their high calcium content. The pregnant woman are advised to have modest serving size or have frozen yoghurt

Cravings for potato chips:
During pregnancy, the body needs to retain water and due to this reason women have cravings for salty and salty foods. Pregnant women are advised to take popcorn having low calories instead of potato chips etc.

Cravings for soft drinks:
Sugar craving of pregnant women is indicated by the cravings for soft drinks. It is said that pregnant women must have water with fresh juice instead of fizzy drinks.

Cravings for pickles:
In pregnant women, the need for sodium is revealed by increased blood volume. So, pregnant women often have a liking for pickles. It is good for the pregnant woman if she eats pickles with less salt.

Cravings for chocolates:
Increased calorie need during pregnancy is revealed by cravings for chocolates. Intake of dark chocolate instead of milk chocolates would be good for a pregnant woman as she could get many nutrients.

Cravings for coffee:
It is common for pregnant women to crave coffee. Pregnant women must be careful and must not drink excess coffee as it could harm the placenta.

Cravings for eggs:
Eggs are one of the most commonly craved foods of pregnant women because they are excellent sources of proteins. Pregnant women must eat properly cooked eggs to avoid the risk of salmonella.

When to consult a doctor regarding pregnancy cravings:
It is worthy to note that someme food cravings of pregnant women are really dangerous. She must consult a doctor if she has cravings to eat dirt, soap or other non-food items. There are chances that she might pick pica, a potentially poisonous condition.